How to ExhibitChildrenWe require that children are supervised at all times. If you do bring children to the show, they will be issued with a badge upon arrival. Please do not register children to attend.CanvassingWe do not condone canvassing at the show by non-exhibiting businesses. Please let us know and we will speak to any companies operating their sales in this way. Any visitors found to be canvassing will be asked to leave the show.
Booking Space
To book your stand please contact Clive Williams 01792 536028 / 07867 762739 or Richard O’Sullivan 07813 072343.
Stand Space
Stand space is sold as ‘SPACE ONLY’. This means that NO ‘shell scheme’ is provided. All exhibitors will have to provide “free standing fittings” to fit the allocated space.PricingCost £98 per square metre.
Show Times
Sunday and Monday: 9.30a.m. until 5.00p.m.Tuesday: 9.30a.m. until 4.00p.m.
Tables & Chairs
Tables and chairs are available free of charge to those exhibitors that may need them supplied, on a first come first serve basis.
How to ExhibitChildrenWe require that children are supervised at all times. If you do bring children to the show, they will be issued with a badge upon arrival. Please do not register children to attend.CanvassingWe do not condone canvassing at the show by non-exhibiting businesses. Please let us know and we will speak to any companies operating their sales in this way. Any visitors found to be canvassing will be asked to leave the show.
Booking Space
To book your stand please contact Clive Williams 01792 536028 / 07867 762739 or Richard O’Sullivan 07813 072343.
Stand Space
Stand space is sold as ‘SPACE ONLY’. This means that NO ‘shell scheme’ is provided. All exhibitors will have to provide “free standing fittings” to fit the allocated space.PricingCost £98 per square metre.
Show Times
Sunday and Monday: 9.30a.m. until 5.00p.m.Tuesday: 9.30a.m. until 4.00p.m.
Tables & Chairs
Tables and chairs are available free of charge to those exhibitors that may need them supplied, on a first come first serve basis.